Presentation of the CFE in Trattenbach (Vera Matarese) 8th February, 2018
Prago-Viennese Workshop on the Philosophy of Mathematics (December 11, 2017 - Prague, Czech Republic), co-organised by the Logic Department and the Centre for Formal Epistemology (Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences).
CFE Lecture N°1
Wenceslao J. González (University of A Coruña, Spain): Pragmatic Realism and Prediction in the Social Sciences: The Role of Complexity. (15th June, 2017)
The international "Perspectives on Explanation" workshop (May 18-19, 2017 Prague, Czech Republic), co-sponsored by the Centre, gathered philosophers of science working on different aspects of scientific explanation and provided an intensive, two-day exchange of cutting-edge ideas. A number of issues were discussed, such as explanation in mathematics, higher-level explanations, explanatory pluralism and the relation between explanation and understanding.
The aim of the project is to develop a formalization of epistemology analogous to Frege’s formalization of logic. The core of the project centres upon five theses setting out the path to a truly formal epistemology. These theses are based on the deeply-held belief that the current trend in the formalization of epistemology is insufficiently radical.